
With conversions to employee ownership on the rise in recent years, preparing for commonly litigated matters is of paramount importance. Join our panel, featuring the national leaders in litigation support and ESOP transaction services at Marcum and a nationally renowned ESOP defense litigator, for a thoughtful overview of the current landscape of ESOP litigation.

The session will focus on the following topics:

  • Common claims in ESOP transaction litigation
  • How trustees and their financial advisors have responded
  • The vital role of standards and generally accepted valuation practices in preventing and defending litigation

Kenneth J. Pia, Jr., CPA, ABV, ASA, MCBA – National Co-Leader, ESOP Services, Marcum
Patrice Radogna, ASA, CPA, ABAR – National Co-Leader, ESOP Services, Marcum
William Scally, CFA – National Leader, Litigation Services, Marcum
Michael L. Scheier, Esq. – Partner, KMK Law

Pending 1.0 hour of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit for LIVE VIEWING ONLY in:
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