Reasonable Compensation and the New IRS Practice Aid
Reasonable Compensation Job Aid for IRS Valuation Professionals (the “Job Aid”) defines reasonable compensation as “the amount that would ordinarily be paid for like services by like organizations in like circumstances.”
Economically speaking, reasonable compensation is the return that would be expected by an individual for her/his employment in a certain occupation expressed in monetary terms, but more generally, it is how much a company would need to pay an unrelated qualified person to replace the executive in question.
Join us for this seminar when Marcum’s Dan Roche, Elizabeth Ciccone and Alexander Pia walk through how and why we calculate reasonable compensation and how it relates to the new IRS practice aid.
The session will focus on the following topics:
- What is Reasonable Compensation?
- Determining Reasonable Compensation
- Levels of Value
- Standard of Value
- Why We Calculate Reasonable Compensation
Daniel Roche, CPA/ABV, ASA – National Leader – Valuation, Forensic, and Litigation Services – Marcum LLP
Alexander Pia – Senior – Marcum LLP
Elizabeth Ciccone, ASA, Esq. – Partner – Marcum LLP
Pending 1.0 hour of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit for LIVE VIEWING ONLY for the following states: Connecticut | Florida | Illinois | New Jersey | New York | Ohio | Pennsylvania